MSMEs in Madhya Pradesh complain differential treatment in ‘single-window clearance’ facility
Updated: Apr 21, 2018 08:28:34am

MSMEs in Madhya Pradesh complain differential treatment in ‘single-window clearance’ facility
New Delhi, Apr 21 (KNN) The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the state of Madhya Pradesh have raised that they are not treated equally when it comes to availing the single window clearance facility.
Talking to KNN, Laghu Udhyog Bharti (LUB) State General Rajesh Mishra said that the MSMEs are discriminated when they approach the authority for services through single window clearance facility.
He further said that the MSMEs contribute to the overall growth of the economy; the government is not very friendly towards the sector.
Also with regard to the allotment of land plots, Mishra said that the plots are cut into big sizes and given to big industries and not the MSMEs.
“Despite the law saying that 20 per cent area of an industrial region is to be outlined for the MSMEs, it is not being implemented. The authority responsible for giving out plots prefer to a lot it to big industries and not the micro small and medium enterprises”, he said.
Also the association have raised concerns over the multiple taxes levied on the land.
Explaining the problem further, Mishra said that MSMEs at present are forced to pay three taxes on land including lease rent, maintenance charge and property tax. While lease rent is a rational one, the other two are just to overburden and kill MSMEs, he said. (KNN/DA)