Empowering MSMEs with News & Insights


USD four million project to promote clean energy among SMEs

USD four million project to promote clean…

New Delhi, May 4 (KNN) The MSME Ministry has launched a USD 4-million project in association with Global Environment Facility (GEF) to promote energy…
PSUs to give details of purchase from MSMEs

PSUs to give details of purchase from…

New Delhi, May 4 (KNN) The Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) has asked public sector units (PSUs) and other departments to provide…
RBI raises loan limits for small units to rupees five crore

RBI raises loan limits for small units…

Mumbai, May 3 (KNN) The Reserve Bank of India today announced a liberal banking regime for the micro and small enterprises (MSEs) by increasing loan limit…