Gujarat, Jan 8 (KNN) In a significant legal development, the Gujarat High Court has ruled that the court at Mehsana has jurisdiction…
Gandhinagar, Dec 16 (KNN) In a significant stride towards India's technological self-sufficiency, a new semiconductor chip…
New Delhi, Nov 25 (KNN) In a landmark move to bolster industrial growth, the Gujarat government has launched a comprehensive…
Gandhinagar, Nov 11 (KNN) In a significant development for India's technological advancement, the Gujarat government has…
Ahmedabad, Oct 4 (KNN) In a recent seminar on carbon credits as business opportunities, industry leaders in Ahmedabad have…
Gandhinagar, Sep 30 (KNN) Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel on Sunday commended the efforts of Laghu Udyog Bharati in…
Vadodara, Sep 13 (KNN) In a significant move aimed at supporting the rehabilitation of micro, small, and medium enterprises…
Gandhinagar, Sep 4 (KNN) Gujarat continues to solidify its position as a preferred destination for foreign direct investment…
Ahmedabad, Aug 21 (KNN) Gujarat, India's leading chemicals manufacturer and exporter, is facing a significant challenge…
Ahemdabad, Jul 18 (KNN) In a significant shift for the textile industry, traders in the city are gearing up to implement new…