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With govt support, start-up 'Tibetan I Tech' made its break in tech-savvy era

Updated: Jan 04, 2016 05:00:31pm
New Delhi Jan 4 (KNN) Started as a web development service in Dharamsala, Tibetan I Tech was founded in May 2013 by Tsetan Dolkar. Today it has expanded beyond just web development business to include security in web development as well as additional graphic design services and mobile app development.
KNN caught up with Tsetan Dolkar, the founder and Managing Director of Tibetan I Tech to discover more about journey of the start-up so far.

“We were just restricted to web development business initially .However, the Tibetan I tech is a registered firm under Indian Partnership Act, 1932 from May 2015. With a new partner in the business, Tenzin Sonam, we have now expanded our business to a wide extent,” Tsetan enlightened us about his venture

Dolkar was always amazed by Computer and Technology. Being a computer instructor and freelance web developer at an early stage of her career, Dolkar realized the lack of any solid group of people working together to promote such services.

“I also know that no matter how much people talk about web development as old generation and mobile app development as a trending job option, I felt that websites are not going anywhere soon. Every organization, artists, business owners etc they all need website and I saw the gap in our community. We don’t have much IT services provider, especially web developers which gave me the hope to follow my passion and I felt that if I start a web development service then soon in future I will expand my business to include more IT service options as per the requirement,” Dolkar talked about the idea that gave birth to Tibetan I Tech.
She went on to say that her target was not only the Tibetan community, “I wanted to make ourselves a brand and compete with other IT service providers in different part of the world and communities. One of my biggest goals to start a company was to bring together people of similar interest and promote IT in our community.”
Within a span of two years, the venture has expanded its clientele base outside Dharamsala to include India, Tibet, Dubai, Australia and the United States. 
The idea of starting up a firm alone invited whole bunch of problems for the founder.
“When I first launched my business it was a sole proprietor and it was like a one man army which was quite tough and hard to do. I didn’t had enough support and confidence to employee staffs and so i struggled for some time doing all the work I can do and then I took two of my students under my wings who learned web designing from me but since they were inexperienced, I ultimately ended working solely on projects most of time” Dolkar said .
“Since, programming is something that requires lots of hard work and self-learning, and both of them left after couple of months of training. So, I was back alone and I started working with couple of freelancers in order to meet the deadlines as I also had a job as web developer in other organization in order to keep my income flowing,” she added. 
 “I came across Tibetan Entrepreneurship Development programme under Central Tibetan Administration, which aims to promote Tibetan Entrepreneurs and help them with pre-incubation and incubation training in terms of Entrepreneurship” the founder said. 
The venture got selected for their training programme in March 2015 and got pre-incubation and incubation training at JSS-STEP Noida for 3 months. “Getting selected for training programme gave me enough knowledge and confidence to move on with Tibetan I Tech with my 100% and with my friend cum professional graphic designer, Tenzin Sonam we founded our partnership firm, with some funds we contributed together. We also competed in two different Business plan competitions organised by Tibetan Entrepreneurship Development initiative, from where we were able to raise some funds too” Dolkar said talked about acquiring funds.
After being transformed into a firm this year in May, its first year estimated turnover is approximately Rs 9-10 lakhs. “We sure will be making more than 15 lakhs next year and so on,” the entrepreneur claimed.

“We have been and will always look up to educate youngsters via providing them internship” Dolkar said about her plans for the firm,” she said.

The founder is of the belief that India is a huge platform for SMEs and MSMEs like quoting that India is at its fastest pace of growth in all the possible industries and sectors.

“This provides an immense opportunity for the SMEs. Moreover SMEs help reduce unemployment, which definitely helps the growth of the nation as well. We feel India is the right place for SMEs and even MSMEs in terms of benefits for one and all” she elaborated on her views.” (KNN/ Jyoti)


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