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Global job crisis imminent, says joint report by ILO, OECD & W Bank

Updated: Sep 09, 2014 02:32:45pm
New Delhi, Sept 9 (KNN)  A large and persistent shortfall in the number and quality of the jobs being created in G20 countries is affecting prospects for re-igniting economic growth, according to a report.

The report titled G20 labour markets: outlook, key challenges and policy responses highlights the fact that G20 faces persistent gaps in employment and job quality and warns that a global job crisis is imminent.

Prepared by the ILO, the OECD and the World Bank Group, the report was prepared for the G20 Labour and Employment Ministers meeting taking place in Melbourne from September 10-11, according to an ILO (International Labour Organisation) press release.

The ILO, along with other international organizations - including OECD, IMF and the World Bank, have produced a number of reports on employment issues that have been prepared to inform the labour ministerial discussions. These reports help identify policy gaps where actions will have the most impact.

“Despite some recent improvement, slow recovery from the financial crisis means that many G20 economies still face a substantial jobs gap, which will persist until at least 2018 unless growth gains momentum. With more than 100 million people still unemployed in the G20 economies and 447 million 'working poor' living on less than USD 2 a day in emerging G20 economies, the weak labour market performance is also threatening economic recovery because it is constraining both consumption and investment,” the release said.

Key findings of the joint report are that wage growth has significantly lagged behind productivity growth in most G20 countries, while wage and income inequality either remains high or has widened.

Another significant finding was that real wages have stagnated, or even fallen, for many in advanced G20 economies. 

Further, in emerging G20 economies, high levels of under-employment and informality are constraining both current output and future productivity.

“Jobs are a foundation for economic recovery,” the report says. “G20 countries need more and better jobs as a foundation for sustained growth and wellbeing of their societies”.

Despite overall slower growth, a number of emerging economies have made major progress in reducing absolute poverty, and some have also reduced income inequality.

However, informal employment remains a major obstacle to improving job quality, particularly in emerging and developing countries, it said.

Looking ahead, the report says that achieving sustainable, equitable and inclusive growth requires policies across all relevant sectors that improve productivity and wages, employment opportunities and outcomes, particularly for those groups most affected by the crisis or who are vulnerable.

Demographic changes, such as rapid population ageing in some countries and rising youth populations in others, also mean that governments need to promote the labour market participation of women, youth and other under-represented and vulnerable groups, enhance their skills and provide job-search support.

The report also highlights social protection, social dialogue, rights at work, and workplace safety as areas in need of further action.

Quality job creation and robust, equitable growth are intertwined goals, the study concludes. “Policy interventions that address both the demand and supply sides of the labour market are essential to reverse the current self-reinforcing cycle of slow growth, low job creation and low investment. Such policies would be much more effective if taken collectively and coordinated at the G20 level.”  (KNN/ES)


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