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BEE organises training to enhance energy efficiency in foundry sector

Updated: Aug 31, 2013 12:47:36pm
Chennai, Aug 31 (KNN)  The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) is conducting a two day hands on training programme for individuals working in the foundry sector to help them adopt and implement energy efficiency improvements in  their units.

The programme, a part of the BEE-GEF-WB project called, ‘Financing Energy Efficiency at MSMEs’ will be held at the Centre of Excellence for Training in Energy Efficiency (CETEE), in Chennai on September 5-6, according to a press release.

It is meant for professionals with technical background who are responsible for energy efficiency related activities in their respective units.

The objective of the training is to bridge the gap between energy efficiency theory and practice by providing practical hands-on-training in the field of energy efficiency; augment the knowledge and experience of energy professionals/managers pertaining to the specific needs of MSMEs; and dissemination of the latest technologies and practices of those who are internationally available in countries such as Japan and Germany, and which could be adopted for improving energy efficiency in target clusters.

Among the topics to be covered are overview of energy and environment scenario; basics of energy and energy audit; energy usage and conservation opportunities in foundries; melting furnaces – cupola and induction; electrical energy system and motors; compressed air generation and distribution system; energy efficient lighting systems; and case studies and discussions.

Both theoretical and practical sessions would be included to concentrate on developing energy efficiency inquisitiveness in the participants.

As far as resource persons are concerned, they would be experts in energy management including Lead ISO 50001 energy management auditors, BEE certified energy auditors with vast consultancy and training experience in the field of energy efficiency and management, trained in various aspects of operation and maintenance of practical training equipment.

While BEE comes under the purview of the Ministry of Power, Government of India, CETEE is a joint initiative of the Indo-Japanese government co-operation having state-of-the-art training facilities. It is being implemented with the assistance of BEE, New Energy Development Organisation (NEDO), Govt. of Japan and Sumikin Management Company, an associate of Sumitomo Steels, Japan.

BEE has associated with Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Productivity, Chennai and National Productivity Council, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India to conduct the cluster specific training programme.
It had approached NPC, to design sector specific two day training programs for five MSME clusters namely, Ankleshwar – Chemical Cluster, Faridabad – Mixed Cluster, Kolhapur – Foundry Cluster, Pune – Forging Cluster, Tirunelveli – Lime Kiln Cluster; which are targeted under this GEF-WB project. 

As part of the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) Programmatic Framework for Energy Efficiency in India, the project of “Financing Energy Efficiency at MSMEs” has been initiated with an objective to increase demand for energy efficiency investments in targeted MSMEs clusters and to build capacity to access commercial finance.
The project aspires to address the current gap in the understanding between energy auditors and bank loan officers, and demonstrate a viable mechanism of synergetic tie-up between MSMEs, energy auditors, financial consultants/chartered accountants, local industrial or MSME associations and local bankers.
The GEF implementation agency for this project is the World Bank, and two executing agencies are the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) and the Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI).  (KNN/ES)


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