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Cabinet approves sops and incentives to boost manufacturing and exports in textile sector

Updated: Jun 22, 2016 11:23:25am

Cabinet approves sops and incentives to boost manufacturing and exports in textile sector

New Delhi, June 22 (KNN) The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has approved incentives to boost job creation, manufacturing and exports in the labour-intensive textile sector.

Looking at the seasonal nature of garment industry, the provision of 240 days under Section 80JJAA of Income Tax Act would be relaxed to 150 days for garment industry.

The subsidy provided to garmenting units, under Amended-TUFS, is being increased from 15% to 25%, providing a boost to employment generation. The package breaks new ground in moving from input-based to outcome-based incentives; a unique feature of the scheme will be to disburse subsidy only after expected jobs have been created, said an official release.

Govt. of India will bear the entire employer’s contribution of 12% under the Employers Provident Fund Scheme, for new employees of garment industry earning less than Rs. 15,000 per month, for the first three years.

This marks an increase from the present Government provision of 8.33% towards employer’s contribution, being provided under Pradhan Mantri Rozgar Protsahan Yojana (PMRPY). With today’s decision, Ministry of Textiles will provide the remaining 3.67% share towards employer’s contribution, amounting to Rs. 1,170 crores over next 3 years.

The Government expected that all this will Increase in exports by 2.6 billion US dollar, increase in employment by 12.25 lakh   and increase in investment by 7 billion US dollar in three years. (With PIB inputs)


  1. hemen   parekh
    hemen parekh 23/06/2016 7:26 AM

    50 MILLION NEW JOBS in 5 MONTHS ? It is reported that the Union Cabinet will soon approve a notification which will allow establishments covered by the Shops and Establishment Act to remain open round the clock ( 24 hours ) Currently , if they remain open for 10 / 12 hours , they end up inviting visits by Inspectors of Establishment Department and the Labour Department , to collect their weekly " haftas " With official sanction of 24 hours , that would go ! And 24 working hours will enable these shopkeepers to compete with those Foreign Companies bringing in 100 % FDI in retail but working for 8 hours / day ! And as soon as one Grocery store starts working longer hours ( even 12 hours ) , most of the neighborhood stores will follow suit ! For our 50 million MSMEs to, not only take on these Foreign Giants but to defeat them in competition , is only possible when we stop playing the RETAIL GAME by the Rules of those Foreign Countries , and make them clue-less with our own NEW and OUT-OF-BOX rules ! Possibly half of these may be covered by Factory Act and the remaining half by the Shop and Establishment Act Between them , they employ 90 % of India's work force of around 500 million Average of approx 9 persons per MSME Now , even if only 5 million ( out of 25 million shops ) just add ONE more employee to work longer hours , that would get jobs to 5 million youth ! That is quite a lot ! And without any additional Capital Investment ! Compare this advantage with Capital required to create ONE new job in Start Ups As per Government , Rs 10,000 cr of " Fund of Funds for Start Ups " , will catalyze an Equity Investment of Rs 60,000 cr , which , in turn will enable raising of Debt of Rs 120,000 cr - totaling Rs 180,000 cr of capital As per Government , that will generate 18,00,000 jobs ( in 5 years ) That is requirement of Rs 10 LAKH for each new job created in a Start Up ! While welcoming this initiative , I urge the Union Government to take following steps simultaneously , in order to generate , not just 5 million but 50 MILLION new jobs in the MSME sector ( and without additional funds ! ) : # Abolish all visits by Inspectors ( Labour + Shop & Establishment Departments ) # Allow MSMEs to engage Apprentices under the recently revised Skills Development Regulations / Apprentice Act # For them , remove the upper limit ( of Apprentices ) which is maximum of 10 % of employee strength # Let them engage Apprentices up to 100 % of their existing employees # Let them keep these trainees for 3 years under " Retail Establishment Trainee Scheme " # Let the stipend be 100 % ( instead of currently prescribed 60-70-80 % ) of semi Skilled Minimum wages ( Minimum Semi Skilled Wages are approx Rs 6,000 per month - so Shopkeeper need to pay Rs 6000 pm ) # Concerned State Governments to subsidize 50 % of this stipend (so, Shopkeeper's burden to be Rs 3,000 pm ) [ Stipend Subsidy does not violate WTO ! ] # To ensure fool-proof compliance with the number of Trainees engaged and Stipends paid , this Scheme ( 24 hr open + 100 % trainees + 100 % Stipend + 50 % Subsidy + 3 year training program + No inspectors ), will apply ONLY to those Shops which implement , mobile app MAD outlined in my following blog : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01 June 2016 From BAD to MAD BAD = Biometric Attendance Device MAD = Mobile Attendance Device ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is my idea of a technology that we need to create for a better India : Today Employee Attendance Systems in India work at three levels as follows : # Entirely Manual Attendance Register and Wage / Salary payment in cash or by Cheque # Partly Automated Punch cards or Bio-metric recording of attendance but manual calculation of wages / salaries and payment by cash or cheque # Fully Automated Bio-metric Attendance Devices ( BAD ) , integrated with a home-grown or bought-out , Salary Payment Software , running on a local Server. Salary payments could be by cheques or thru Electronic Transfer to concerned employee's bank account Once in a while , if a company has several establishments within a city , those local servers are connected to a Central Server , doing all processing In a rare case ( although , I am not aware of any ) , it may be that all the local servers of all the establishments of a company , all over the country , are networked with its central computer in its head-quarter Now imagine this : # All smart phones to evolve as Bio-metric Attendance Devices , with built-in Bio-metric Recorders , GPS , a mobile attendance App ( called MAD ? ) # App to have 2 buttons / icons ( Green = IN / Red = OUT ) # Employee to touch IN upon reaching his work-station and touch OUT , while leaving work place , at the end of work-shift . That's all ! # Being GPS enabled , buttons will get activated ONLY when the employee has reached the work place ( not while he is on his way ! ) # All 50 million establishments in India ( factories / offices / shops / clinics NGOs / Govt Depts ) to ensure that the MAD app is installed on the smart phone of each employee , when he joins # All of these smart phones to be connected ( IoT ? ) , with the Servers of , * Labour Ministries ( Central and States ) * HRD Ministry ( Central ) * Skills Development Ministry / NSDC * Finance Ministries ( Central + States ) * NITI Aayog * Income Tax Department * Any other server that you may want to # MAD app is integrated with a STANDARD / COMMON , software system for computing daily wages / monthly salaries of ALL the persons working in those 50 million establishments ( whether they are casual / contractual / trainee / apprentice / probationer / permanent / retained ) # As each person joins in any of these establishments , data re that person must be inputted by the Employer into the App , such as : * Name / Contact Details / DOB / Aadhar Card No / Employee Number ( Each unique Employee Number will be auto-generated by the common Salary Payment Software , running on IT Dept Server ) * Employee's Jandhan Yojana Bank Account Number for salary EC * Employer's Jandhan bank account / Unique Employer Number * Payment Mode ( Hourly / Daily / Monthly Rated ; wages / salaries ) * Leave provisions / PF rate / TDS rate / Allowances / Reimbursements * Any other relevant data ( either about employee of for employer ) WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES ? # For employees , no need to file a separate annual Income Tax Return # Direct deposit of PF / TDS amounts into bank accounts of Govt Depts # Direct Benefit Transfer ( DBT ) to every Employer for Stipend Subsidy , based on number of total trainees / apprentices employed # Total number of employees in India ( category / region / industry ) # Employment Density ( Industry wise / Region wise / Skill wise etc ) # Net Employment Growth Rate ( weekly - monthly / Industry-wise ) # Co-relation with no of persons graduating at various levels # Data about those Unemployed ( " Graduating " less " Employed " ) # Overtime Statistics ( Use / Abuse ) # Work-hour Analysis ( Ave hours / week - month ) # Wage / Salary Rates ( Rs per hour ) - Industry wise / Region wise ( of great interest to Foreign Investors looking to bring down manufacturing costs , by outsourcing to India / manufacturing in India ) # Compliance with labour laws / tax laws / Apprentice Act etc # Job Market Forecasts through BIG DATA ANALYTIC ( region / industry ) # Demographic Profiles of employees ( Rural to Urban migration ) # Per Capita Income Growth for persons using MAD app ( MOM / YOY ) # Changing composition between Blue Collar and White Collar employees Then there could be many other benefits not envisaged now Here is an opportunity for : * Manufacturers of Smart Phones To shrink stationary / bulky / common , bio-metric devices to mobile / small / personalized / hand-held devices { Remember ? If you don't make yourself obsolete , someone else will } * Tech Start Ups To come up with the Mobile App ( MAD ) / Technology Platform * NDA Government To implement what Shri Narendra Modiji said on 15 July 2015 : " If China is like a manufacturing factory of the World , India should become the human resource capital of the World . That should be our target and we should lay emphasis on that . We should have a futuristic vision and prepare plans for the next ten years " MAD could well be an important element of that " JAM ( Jandhan + Aadhar + Mobile ) PLAN " ! For once , please unshackle our entrepreneurs and enable them to unleash their innovations ! WE ARE FAST RUNNING OUT OF TIME ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 June 2016 www.hemenparekh.in / blogs

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