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CII to collaborate on SMEs with UK

Updated: Jun 10, 2013 05:36:58pm
New Delhi, Jun 10, (KNN) Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) has chosen small and medium enterprises as one of the focus areas of Indian industries co-operation with their UK counterparts.

This was conveyed to UK Secretary of state for business innovation and skills, Vince Cable in London by CII President Kris Gopalakrishnan who is leading an industry delegation to Britain.

The other areas of co-operation between the industries of the two countries include advanced manufacturing, Innovation and R&D, and capacity building.

According to a CII release here the UK Secretary of state informed the visiting delegation that “Indian industry in UK is popular as it creates jobs and is a responsible citizen.

“UK has in the last decade neglected India’s growth but now UK is trying to make up for it,” added Cable.

Later the delegation participated in the annual CII-UK Conference, organised this year in partnership with the London Business School to discuss India-UK partnerships in working towards global growth.

On this occasion, a CII-GITA and LBS-IBF study on India-UK Partnerships in R&D and advanced manufacturing was released.

 The report highlights the strengths, opportunities and challenges in R&D and advanced manufacturing in India and UK.  It further focusses on comparative sectoral strengths and complementariness between India and UK to take bilateral partnerships in the sector to the next level. (KNN)


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