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CPPRI commissions study on paper mills productivity

Updated: Feb 06, 2014 05:48:50pm
New Delhi, Feb 6 (KNN)  Saharanpur based Central Pulp and Paper Research Institute (CPPRI) will soon be commissioning a comprehensive study to find out the level of technology available with the Indian paper and pulp manufacturers in the context of global developments.
The study will also find and suggest the potential to enhance the productivity in the Indian pulp and paper industry.
The Indian Paper Industry is more than 100 years old. Barring a few exceptions of new modernized mills most of the mills are based on obsolete process technologies. Small Scale of operations and use of diverse raw materials also pose significant threats to the long term sustainability of the Indian Paper Industry.
According to the studies, the Indian Paper Industry faces the problems of non-availability of good quality of raw materials; lack of modernization and basic infrastructure; increased emerging environmental issues; and resource development.
CPPRI has now invited bids from consultants to study the technological status and potential of productivity enhancement in Indian pulp and paper industry under existing liberalization and globalization scenario.
The purpose of the study is to evaluate the technological status and explore potential of productivity enhancement in Indian Paper Industry, prepare a road map or action plan for implementation both by Industry as well as Government to improve the industry’s overall sustainability and competitive ability in domestic and international market.
The institute offers consultancy and technical services to promote global competitiveness of the Indian Pulp and paper Industry and focus its research and scientific work in the areas of Quality improvement, Cost competitiveness, Resource conservation and cleaner production.
Beside consultancy, the institute provides technical services to the Paper and Pulp Industry such as analysis and quality assessment of fibrous and non-fibrous raw materials for pulping and bleaching optimization and strength properties, paper and paper boards testing, evaluation of black liquor properties, pre-feasibility studies, basic engineering for green field mills and retrofitting, air pollution monitoring, effluent and solid waste analysis, enzymatic pulping, bleaching and deinking, waste paper processing etc.
In 2002 a study was outsourced by Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt of India and CPPRI to Jaakko Poyry Consulting, on “Global Competitiveness of Indian Paper Industry”. The objective of the study was to assess the competitive ability and sustainability of Indian Paper Industry due to increasing competition not only in global paper market also in domestic market context due to India’s initiation into open market economy.
The study was a milestone in outlining a road map to frame out strategies and policies for sustenance and growth of Indian paper industry as well as becoming globally competitive.

Over the last decade, since the submission of this report, the Indian Paper Industry has gone through significant changes in technological and environmental status including capacity expansion, adoption of modern fiber line technologies, improved environmental management etc.
However in spite of significant improvement in Technological and Environmental status over these years, the Indian Paper Industry is facing stiff challenges not only in global but even in domestic market especially from countries like, China, Indonesia, Thailand , Malaysia etc.
The major challenges before the industry include sustained raw material availability of uniform quality, quality and availability and price of waste Paper, high cost of basic inputs, issues related Government policy and regulations in accordance with open market economy, Shortage of Trained and Qualified Manpower, Sustenance crisis of Agro Based Mills producing kraft paper (below 50 tpd) due to environmental noncompliance, Lack of indigenous technology/equipment development etc
In this scenario there is an urgent need to explore and evaluate the potential of productivity enhancement in Indian Paper Industry in order to formulate the strategies or action plan to address the above issues in order to be globally competitive in existing liberalised and globalised scenario.  (KNN/ES)


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