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DC to upgrade software to monitor sale of handloom products

Updated: Jan 27, 2014 04:33:34pm
New Delhi, Jan 27 (KNN)  The Development Commissioner (DC) for Handlooms in the Ministry of Textiles will install software solutions for daily monitoring sales of different handloom products by different agencies.
The DC has already started the process for upgradation of the software system.
In this regard, the Office of the DC has called for bids from agencies or firms to supply, implement and maintain the retail software system.

The Office of the Development Commissioner for Handlooms was set up as an attached non-participating office on 20th November, 1975 under the Ministry of Commerce.  At present it is functioning under the Ministry of Textiles.  It is headed by an officer of Additional Secretary level having its headquarters here.

It is assisted by 25 WSCs function across the country.  Weavers’ Service Centres play a pivotal role in skill up-gradation, capacity building and disseminating the technological interventions for reducing the drudgery to the handloom weavers and better productivity, thereby improving earning of the weavers. 

They    provide  design input to the weavers through their   designers,  arrange training  programmes for the weavers    in  various   pre weaving , weaving and post weaving   disciplines such as winding, warping, sizing dyeing,  dobby  jacquard pneumatic weaving, design making (CAD), dyeing,  etc.  WSCs also sponsor weavers in various trade fairs, Expos, to help them in establishing direct market linkages.

The Office also oversees implementation of Handlooms (Reservation of Articles for Production) Act, 1985 through its   Enforcement Wing, with the regional offices at Chennai and Ahmedabad.   (KNN)


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