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Ensure distribution transformers are exempted from BEE guidelines: Industry to Piyush Goyal

Updated: Sep 11, 2015 04:11:43pm
New Delhi, Sept 11 (KNN) Transformer manufacturers have sought Power Minister Piyush Goyal’s intervention to ensure that distribution transformers are exempted from compliance with energy efficiency norms of Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), which are basically designed for household electrical appliances such as air-conditioners and fridges and not for capital goods like transformers used by utilities.
Significantly, transformer manufacturers are currently required to comply with BEE’s guidelines in addition to those prescribed by the quality certifying agency Bureau of Indian Standard (BIS).
In this context, the transformer industry has argued that they have to unnecessarily duplicate work on compliance with energy efficiency guidelines, which leads to avoidable extra burden for both transformer manufacturers and the BEE.
“It could be observed that for the quality of energy efficient transformers, the manufacturers are governed by BEE as well as BIS for the same purpose – that is, to ensure quality and energy efficiency of distribution transformer as per energy efficiency level of BIS and star rating as per BEE. In order to avoid the multiplicity  of the authorities for the same task,  it is  suggested that  BEE should not be responsible for star-rated DTs, which  are capital goods  as  99 per cent  are   used  by  discoms and utilities  and  not by the  domestic consumers   as  household  appliances,” B Lal, Director General, Indian Transformers Manufacturers Association (ITMA) has recently written to the power minister, pleading for early resolution of the problem which is hurting the transformer industry.
ITMA has also requested for an appointment with Goyal to apprise him of the latest status.
The BEE  as per its S&L programme  under  Energy Conservation Act 2001 has  included  distribution transformers for energy efficiency star-labelling programme, along with the other  household electrical appliances  such as  air-conditioners,  fluorescent tubes, fans,  pump sets, TVs,  geysers, refrigerators, etc.  Accordingly, BEE has labelled transformers with star 1 to star 5 as per the losses at 50 per cent and 100 per cent loading.
Meanwhile, BIS has issued fourth revision of its standard on transformers effective July 19, 2014.  This revised standard has also included the multiple rating of transformers with regard to BIS Energy Efficiency levels -- level 1, level 2 and level 3 corresponding to BEE’s 3 star, 4 star and 5 star respectively.  In this revision, maximum losses at 50 and 100 per cent loading have been incorporated and the scope is extended up to 2500 KVA.
Department of Heavy Industry (DHI) has also issued a quality control order on transformers, mandating BIS certification and marking (as per IS:1180 Part 1/2014) effective July 31.
To comply with the quality control order, manufacturers have to apply for certification with BIS and   pay for the marking fee as notified by the quality certifying agency with annual renewal coupled with lab testing. 
A similar exercise is also being enforced by BEE, which leads to duplication of work for government agencies and distribution transformer manufacturers in the country. (KNN/ NM)


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