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Govt exempts verification of weights & measures used for internal use

Updated: Dec 18, 2014 01:22:20pm
Chennai, Dec 18 (KNN)  In a move that will provide substantial relief to small and medium industrial units, the government has directed all legal metrology officers not to insist on the verification of weights and measures used for internal use, particularly those not used in dealings with outside parties and consumers.

In a memorandum to all inspectors of labour, the Office of the Commissioner of Labour said, “…it is stated that the legal metrology officers not insist for the verification of weights and measures used for any intermediary processes in the industries during industrial production, as these weights and measures do not affect the quantity delivered to the consumers and are not used for any transaction.”

Welcoming the move, President, FISME, D Gandhikumar said that earlier, it was required that all weights and measures be checked and certified by the Labour Department of the Government of Tamil Nadu every year  under Legal Metrology Act.

The procedure for mandatory certification of all the weights and measures resulted in additional expenditure for the factories, he said.

According to the Legal Metrology Act of 2009, “Every person having any weight or measure in his possession, custody or control in circumstances indicating that such weight or measure is being, or is intended or is likely to be, used by him in any transaction or for protection, shall before putting such weight or measure into such use, have such weight or measure verified at such place and during such hours as the Controller may, by general or specific order, specify in this behalf, on payment of such fees as may be prescribed.”

In a notification to the Controller of Legal Metrology, the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution had clarified that ‘transaction’ meant – any contract whether for sale, purchase, exchange; any assessment of royalty or dues; and the assessment of any work done, wages due or services rendered.

Further, ‘protection’ under the Act meant the utilisation of reading obtained from any weight or measure, for the purpose of determining any step which is required to be taken to safeguard the well-being of any human being or animal, or to protect any commodity, vegetation or thing, whether individually or collectively.

That said, the Ministry added, “Therefore the weights and measures used for any transaction and for protection shall only be verified and stamped.  The enforcement officers may kindly be directed to verify and stamp only those weights and measures which are covered under the terms transaction and protection defined under the Act.”  (KNN/ES)


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