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How UNIREC is contributing to the mission of recycling

Updated: Mar 16, 2022 11:00:07am

How UNIREC is contributing to the mission of recycling

New Delhi, Mar 16 (KNN) To contribute to the mission of recycling, UNIREC is the first sustainable brand from India that manufactures garments made from recycled PET bottles. Every garment made by UNIREC helps in recycling on an average of 10 plastic bottles of 1 litre each. 

While there are brands that do manufacture T-shirts currently, UNIREC is the first brand in the country that not only manufactures T-shirts but also formal jackets, sleeveless jackets, trousers, and very soon will be launching their shirts collection also.

Not only are the garments under UNIREC made from recycled fabrics, but these garments also help in reducing carbon emissions by almost 2kgs every time a garment is manufactured. 

Imagine a corporation with 10000 employees who are provided uniforms of 3 shirts and 2 trousers every year. If the same garments are now made from recycled fabrics that corporate will offset its carbon footprint by almost 1 lakh kg or 100 tonnes per annum.

“At UNIREC, we believe that plastic should stay in the economy and out of the environment. Our simple mission statement is to reduce the carbon footprint one person at a time, one garment at a time”, Kapil Bhatia, CEO & Founder, UNIREC told KNN India.

Global Recycling Day is observed every year on March 18 to create awareness among the masses about the rapid pace at which our natural resources are being used. Recycling is a key part of the circular economy, helping to protect our natural resources.  

While commenting on Global Recycling Day Kapil said, "India is 3rd on the list of total CO2 emissions and is responsible for more than 7% of Global Carbon Emissions. While the central and state governments are actively working towards reducing this, the least that we as individuals and corporations could do is to help the cause by ensuring that we purchase goods made from recycled fabrics which we would have purchased even otherwise”. 

Such small actions would go a long way in our efforts to curb or offset carbon emissions, He added. (KNN/AT) 


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