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IKEA to provide employment to one million under privileged women

Updated: Oct 12, 2015 03:59:23pm
New Delhi, Oct 12 (KNN) To mark the Day of the Girl Child, IKEA Foundation has announced a three-year programme with a budget of approximately Euro 16 million that aims to provide employment and entrepreneurship opportunities to one million underprivileged women across India, focusing on the states of Karnataka, Maharashtra, Telangana and the National Capital Region.

IKEA Foundation CEO, Per Heggenes said, “We believe that women can be the most important catalysts for change in their children’s lives as well as in society more generally. By empowering women, we can improve children’s health, education and future – and that’s good for everyone in India.”

The programme approved by India’s Ministry of Finance will be implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Xyntéo and the India Development Foundation (IDF).

It will address the demand and supply side of women’s employment by securing commitments from businesses in identifying employment and entrepreneurship opportunities for women; mobilising women to participate in skills and training courses; and supporting the development of training curricula relevant to aspirations of women and business needs.

Recognising the importance of improving women’s workforce participation, this programme has three objectives namely – to create a positive impact on the lives and livelihoods of women through training, employment and entrepreneurial skills development; test and establish an innovative model of a public-private partnership that responds to the aspirations and needs of women, and identified needs of the private sector and establish a continuum that connects education, to skills, jobs and growth.

Commending the Government of India on its far-reaching skill development policy, United Nations Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative, India, Yuri Afanasiev said, “The partnership aims to demonstrate the power of collaboration in helping women become economically self-sufficient, through addressing the aspirations of young women, the needs of business, and training provided by skilling institutions in the country.’’

On October 23, several national and global CEOs, policymakers and representatives from the development sector will participate in a roundtable discussion on expanding employment and entrepreneurship opportunities for women. (KNN Bureau)


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