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International technical course on climate change mitigation programmes

Updated: Aug 30, 2014 02:37:27pm
New Delhi, Aug 30 (KNN)  To provide complete knowledge about projects working under various greenhouse gases (GHG) programmes, the National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (NIESBUD) is organising an international technical course on climate change mitigation programmes.
The five day course is scheduled to be held from September-22 to 26 at the NIESBUD campus in Noida.
Considering the steady increase in population across the globe, industries are expanding at a rapid pace to cater to their needs. For these industries the basic energy sources are electricity and thermal power which are majorly generated by fossil fuel based power plants or sources which are ultimately responsible for air pollution. Cumulative air pollution is resulting in global warming and to mitigate the same many GHG (Green House Gases) programs have been developed by the various countries and international organizations, as per official data.
India is also a part of such activities and it has adopted the CDM Program (Clean Development Mechanism).  It also has its own GHG Program similar to the European Union.
“So it’s the right time for the stakeholders (service providers /industries/ individuals) in the country to have thorough knowledge of such programs for diversification in activities of the company.  Keeping this in view, EKI Energy Services has developed this program,” a release said.
The course is meant for companies/individuals who wish to diversify their services/skills in the field of carbon credit audit, carbon foot print auditing, consultation / carbon collaborations.  It is also suitable for those wanting to gain - expertise in protocol and other international mechanisms; knowledge of CDM project cycle and periodic verification; overview of existing methodologies and tools for CDM activities or to develop the same.
Participants will learn the background of the CDM and other GHG mechanisms; the steps in the project cycle at in the process of validation such as registration / verification /certification; requirements to develop project design document, baseline identification, leakage, additionality and monitoring; the concept behind methodologies and tools for CDM project activities using practical examples.
The course uses a mixture of tutored sessions, practical exercises and discussions to achieve its objectives. The exercises are sampled from real projects covering different sectors.
Those attending the course should have fluency in English, graduation in engineering/sciences/commerce, basic knowledge of climate change and knowledge of basic financial concepts.  Course fee is Rs 32,000 and participants can avail of early bird discount.  Maximum number of entries for the course is 40; and accommodation will be provided if required.
NIESBUD is a premier organisation of Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises engaged in training, consultancy, research, etc. in order to promote entrepreneurship. The major activities of the Institute are Training of Trainers, Management Development Programme, Entrepreneurship-cum-Skill Development Programme, Entrepreneurship Development Programme and Cluster Intervention. The Institute has trained more than 2.98 lakh trainees including 3,000 persons from more than 125 countries till 31st July, 2014.
EKI Energy Services Limited is India's first public limited company, an ISO 9001:2008 certified organization; working in the field of Energy, Carbon & Quality Management, with brand name of EnKing International. (KNN/ES)


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