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Pharma EPC to initiate re-engineering programme

Updated: Jan 31, 2014 04:46:17pm
Hyderabad, Jan 31 (KNN)  In a bid to transform the Pharmaceutical Export Promotion Council of India (Pharmexcil) to an entity that initiates and influences policy for better business potential both globally and in the domestic market, a Pharmexcil re-engineering programme (PREP) will be started soon.
The Indian pharmaceutical industry and allied sectors is now worth almost Rs 110,000 crore, with majority of this volume coming from international business.  India is regarded as a quality conscious and competitive player in the global pharmaceutical markets with exports to over 185 countries.
The government of India has also identified the pharmaceutical sector to be an India Strength industry and this has been classified as a sunrise sector. 
Challenges in regulatory reform undertaken in the world over impact this industry and there is a need to prepare the baseline readiness for the next phase of incremental growth. 
Pharmexcil which is the Export Promotional Council for the Pharmaceutical and allied industry sector has been identified as a nodal platform which would enable this growth impetus and towards this a fundamental relook at its operations, management and objectives has to be undertaken.
The re-engineering programme will help institute in Pharmexcil a knowledge domain, expertise and enable informed dynamic inter-ministerial coordination for all stakeholders on real time basis.
While strengthening Pharmexcil, the move would enable an outreach, facilitation and active safeguard of Industry interests against tariff and non-tariff barriers, free trade agreements, WTO, regulatory reforms undertaken in various markets resulting in better industry-government coordination.
In addition, it will help the EPC to actively pursue trade opportunities an initiate a robust database for real time statistical information on domestic and international pharmaceutical sector, covering all stakeholders and towards informed data driven decision making process.
Among its other objectives are to pursue required technology absorption, upgradation programmes and update skill sets in stakeholders to retain global competitiveness especially in the pharmaceutical outsourcing opportunities.
Pharmexcil would also like to identify domestic policy barriers for growth as well as exports of the pharma industry; and analyse global trends in pharma industry in terms of new opportunities and potential and suggest various preparatory steps and initiatives required to enable Indian industry to capitalize on these opportunities.
Stakeholders for the programme are bodies from the pharmaceutical and allied industry such as modern pharmaceutical industry, Ayurveda siddha unani and homeopathy, medical devices industry, dietary supplements / nutraceuticals industry, active pharmaceutical ingredient industry, herbal extracts industry, biotechnology industry.
In this context, Pharmexcil invites bids from management consultant agencies who have extensive expertise in pharma sector, covering all stakeholders in domestic and international trade.  The agency would have to define immediate and short term objectives, review mechanisms, reset internal systems, outline an organogram with clearly defines roles and responsibilities.
The agency is also expected to interview thought leaders, do an organisational study and interact with government and non-government associated organisation while formulating the PREP.  It would have to study the regulatory and policy environment in India and major markets and recommend Pharmexcil representation on councils, boards and committees that impact opportunity and define trade norms for all stakeholders.  (KNN/ES)


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