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Tourism contributes 6.8% to GDP; 10.2% to employment

Updated: Dec 07, 2013 09:14:50am
New Delhi, Dec 7 (KNN)  The contribution of tourism to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and employment generation in the country in 2009-10, has been estimated to be 6.8 per cent and 10.2 per cent, respectively, according to the 2nd Tourism Satellite Account of India 2009-10.
“The Foreign Exchange Earnings (FEEs) during the years 2002-2012 were Rs 5,22,206 crore,” said the Minister of State for Tourism, K Chiranjeevi in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha yesterday. 

He also stated that the FEE through tourism in 2012 was Rs 94,487 crore.

Significantly, the broad scope of economic activities involved in tourism enables wide participation in its growth, including participation by the informal sector.

The tourism sector has a major role to play to promote faster, sustainable and more inclusive economic growth. It has better prospects for promoting pro-poor growth than many other sectors.

“This is because tourism is labour intensive and involves a collection of activities, services and industries comprising transportation, accommodation, eating and drinking establishments, retail shops, entertainment businesses and other hospitality services provided to individuals or groups traveling away from home for leisure, business or other purposes,” Chiranjeevi said.

Although the tourism sector in India has grown in recent years, the potential exists to tap into the industry further, considering the diverse nature, treasures of art, architecture and philosophical thought, its rich cultural heritage, its varied rural countryside and wildlife, age – old practices of yoga, Siddha, etc. spread across different States/Union Territories (UTs).

In this regard, for some time now, to promote the country as a 365 day destination, the Tourism Ministry has taken the initiative of identifying, diversifying, developing and promoting the nascent/upcoming niche products of the tourism industry such as Cruise, Adventure, Medical & Wellness, Golf, Polo, Meetings Incentives Conference and Exhibitions (MICE), Eco-Tourism, Development of Camp Sites, Caravan Tourism, Campaign Parks, Film Tourism, etc.

The new focus, it is hoped will attract tourists with specific interests and to ensure repeat visits for the products in which India has a comparative advantage.

The Ministry has been providing financial assistance to stakeholders and all States/Union Territory Tourism Departments to promote tourism in the international markets under the Marketing Development Assistance (MDA) Scheme.

It has also made efforts by promoting safe and honourable tourism, improving facilities for foreign and domestic tourists, creation/ upgradation of tourism infrastructure, wayside amenities, providing last mile connectivity, and increasing the availability of trained manpower.

As far as other initiatives are concerned, the Government had amended its Visa Manual to extend the collective landing permits facility with effect from 1st April 2013. Foreign tourists in groups of four or more arriving by air or sea and sponsored by Indian travel agencies approved by the Ministry of Tourism and with a pre-drawn itinerary will be granted Collective Landing Permit for a period not exceeding 60 days, with multiple entry facilities. In order to avail this facility the tourists or travel agencies shall mandatorily fill in an application online.  

As many as 4 additional airports have started operating the Tourist Visa on Arrival facility this year, taking the total to 8.  Further, conference visas have been made simpler, a 60-day gap between two consecutive visits by an international tourist to India is no longer required.

Further, as a part of its on-going activities, there are print, electronic, online and outdoor media campaigns in the international and domestic markets, under the Incredible India brand-line; as well as participation in travel fairs and exhibitions.

As per the UNWTO World Tourism Barometer, June 2013, India’s rank in the World Tourism Receipts during 2012 was 16th. India stood at 7th rank among the Asia and Pacific Region in terms of tourism receipts during 2012.  (KNN)                       


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