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Uncertainty over govt's plan to mandate quality certification for power transformers from Feb

Updated: Oct 27, 2015 01:06:02pm
New Delhi, Oct 27 (KNN) Uncertainty looms over the government’s plan to introduce mandatory quality certification for power transformers from next February, with concerned labs and agency like Central Power Research Institute, Electrical Research and Development Association and Bureau of India Standard unable to expedite work for issuing necessary licences to manufacturers in time.
Worried over the prospects of the deadline being pushed back further, a move that would benefit only unscrupulous manufacturers, Indian Transformers Manufacturers Association has sought power ministry’s intervention to ensure that BIS licences are issued to all manufacturers in time.
On May 7, the Department of Heavy Industry (DHI) issued quality control order on distribution transformers of up to 2,500 KVA, stipulating implementation from February 11, 2016.
Significantly, while addressing ITMA conference on June 5, Union Power Minister Piyush Goyal had asked these agencies to streamline their procedures so that the process of issuing licences to transformers could be completed in time for complying with the stipulated deadline of mandatory quality certification manufacturers.
The labs, CPRI and ERDA, were asked to complete tests in seven days and BIS to issue licences in five days from the date of receipt of test reports from labs.
Now it turns out that the labs and BIS have failed to get their acts together despite a clear direction from power minister Piyush Goyal to complete their respective works in a time-bound manner.
“The  licences   are  not being  issued  to the  applicants  within five days after receipt of the test reports from the  test house,   which  has been reported  mostly by all  the members,” ITMA has written to the concerned official in the power ministry, BN Shama, Addl Secretary, citing case of  Toshiba Transmission & Distribution Systems India Pvt. Ltd which  submitted its application to BIS for registration on May 26 but is still waiting for licence.
The industry body has averred that the reason for non-issue of the licence  is delay  in  seeking/replying  the  clarifications/interpretations  and  non-uniform testing procedures  to be followed by CPRI and ERDA.

Expressing concern over the slow pace of issuance of licences, ITMA has said, “Even if  assuming that  hundred or so  transformer manufacturers  are issued  licences, it may not be sufficient to fulfil the requirements of power sector and thus would  warrant  further  extension of the Quality Control Order which may create  complications as  some of the  manufacturers  who have already  been issued licences   in the current  year, would be due for renewal.”
 “Such a situation is  not conducive  both  for the industry and the power sector  and would give more time to the unscrupulous elements to  carry on  with dubious means to import  spurious material thereby defeating the   very purpose of issue of Quality Control Order. It would thus call for high level intervention to stream line the process for grant/  issue of licences to the applicants,” the letter added.
Significantly, quality of transformers supplied to utilities has fallen drastically in recent years due to the widespread use of inferior-quality steel by unscrupulous manufactures chasing super profits. Such transformers barely last for 3-5 years compared to the normal life of over 25 years in other countries. Once BIS quality certification mandatory for transformers, manufacturers will have to comply with minimum quality standards that would in turn restrict the scope for use of sub-standard material.
As per the subject Quality Control Order BIS certification/licence of the Transformer manufacturers, for storage/supply of DTs as per IS: 1180 Part 1/2014 is mandatory with effect from   February 1, 2016.
Accordingly BIS started the process of registration/certification of the transformer manufactures for grant of licence for supply of transformers. ITMA has been   in constant interaction with BIS and got issued revised guidelines to be followed by BIS Regional/Branch offices and transformer manufacturers.
The above matter was also  taken up along with other issues of transformer industry  in ITMA’s International Conference on transformers at Mumbai on 5th June 2015, where Hon’ble Union Power Minister,  specifically  directed  the BIS  and the test houses (CPRI &ERDA)  to ensure  the testing of samples  within a week’s time and issue of  licence  by BIS within  five days  from date of  receipt  of test report.

The  licences   are  not being  issued  to the  applicants  within 5 days after receipt of the test reports from the  test house,   which  has been reported  mostly by all  the members.  Recent case is of M/s Toshiba Transmission & Distribution Systems India Pvt. Ltd, AP who submitted its application to BIS for registration on 26th May 2015 and till date BIS licence has not been issued.  The reason for non-issue of the licence is due to delay in seeking/replying the clarifications/interpretations and non-uniform testing procedures to be followed by CPRI and ERDA.
The above progress of issue/grant of licence is not encouraging.  Even if  assuming that  hundred or so  transformer manufacturers  are issued  licences, may not be sufficient to fulfil the requirements of power sector and thus would  warrant  further  extension of the Quality Control Order which may create  complications as  some of the  manufacturers  who have already  been issued licences   in the current  year, would be due for renewal.  Such a situation is  not conducive  both  for the industry and the power sector  and would give more time to the unscrupulous elements to  carry on  with dubious means to import  spurious material thereby defeating the   very purpose of issue of Quality Control Order. It would thus call for high level intervention to stream line the process for grant/ issue of licences to the applicants. (KNN/ NM)


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