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Use of scrap-grade CRGO steel for supplies made to discoms results in meltdowns: Industry

Updated: Sep 28, 2015 05:02:27pm
New Delhi, Sept 28 (KNN)  In an incident that reminds us of hazards posed by low-quality electrical equipment to human lives, two transformers in Meerut suddenly turned into balls of fire, sending nearby shopkeepers scrambling for safety.
The incident that happened near Madina mosque on the Hapur Road of the city recently underlines the urgency for introducing drastic changes in laws and rules governing utilities’ procurement system to minimise the risk of substandard equipment turning into nightmares for locals.
According to eyewitnesses, passers-by and residents of the area gathered near the incident site after seeing the leaping flames from transformers. A fire tender had to be pressed into service to douse the flames.
This comes close on the heels of two similar incidents that happened in a week’s time in Meerut which highlighted the public safety concerns stemming from low-quality transformers installed by UPPCL.
In the first incident which happened near Radha Govind College, an UPPCL lineman was killed on the spot after falling from an electric pole which snapped while he was trying to fasten wire to the pole. The mishap happened when the rope tied to the wire was pulled by his teammates on the ground.
In the second incident, a 10Kv transformer installed on HT line exploded, leaving five children severely scalded and one house engulfed in flames. The tragic accident happened in Pachpera village under Bhavanpur police station of the district. Children were hit by sprays of steaming oil that flowed out when the transformer exploded.
The ceiling of the house which caught fire caved in and other buildings in the neighbourhood cracked from the explosion.
According to industry experts, widespread use of scrap-grade CRGO steel in transformers is the main reason behind the frequent meltdown of transformers installed by utilities here.
Scrap-grade CRGO, which comes from overseas, is available at half the price of quality steel. Blinded by profit motive, manufacturers throw safety concerns to the wind, putting public lives at risk.
The growing cases of transformer explosion is a cause for concern and it is high time policymakers wake up to the risks posed by unhindered import of scrap-grade CRGO steel which eventually finds its way into manufacture of transformers.
There is a strong lobby working to ensure flows of the spurious material into the country. What further complicates the matter is the complicity of Bureau of Indian Standard (BIS) and customs officials who are tasked with checking import of the substandard material.
However, there is no reason why the menace cannot be checked if the government shows the political will to do so.
The trade body FISME has suggested measures which can come handy in checking flow of scrap-grade steel into the country.
Federation of Indian Micro and Small & Medium Enterprises (FISME) has suggested implementation of measures including 100 per cent computerisation and IT-based management of inventories of material and equipment procured by utilities with double entry providing details on both vendors and concerned procurement officials.
It has also pushed for putting information in public domain on performance of procured equipment by maintaining records on date of purchase, breakdowns, replacement and make of major electricity equipment such as transformers, turbines and switchgear.  
FISME, the apex body for MSMEs, has suggested that compliance with the outlined measures should be mandatory for disbursal of central funds provided to state electricity boards under various schemes. (KNN/ NM)


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