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Russia to partner in setting up industrial townships

Updated: Apr 15, 2013 02:50:05pm
New Delhi, Apr 15 (KNN) Russia will be a key partner in the government's initiative of setting up world-class mega industrial zones under the New Manufacturing Policy (NMP) in various states, an official release said.

Russia's interest was announced after a meeting in Moscow between Commerce and Industry Minister Anand Sharma and his Russian Counterparts Minister of Industry and Trade, Denis V Manturov and Minister of Economic Development, Andrey Belousov.

The NMP provides for the National Manufacturing Investment Zones (NMIZs) with world-class supporting infrastructure across the states.

“The two countries have active agenda of high-level bilateral interactions in the coming months which will culminate with the Annual Summit in the later part of the year. Trade, investment and economic cooperation are an important priority area for our two governments and we are keen to work towards enhancing them forward,” said Sharma.

Minister Sharma and his counterparts also discussed about the priority projects that will be monitored at the ministerial level.

The Commerce znd Industry Minister outlined the immense investment opportunities available in India in various sectors such as energy, pharmaceuticals, IT and ITES, minerals and metals, infrastructure development, aviation, power generation, shipbuilding, bio and nano- technologies, fertilizers, chemicals, agricultural and foods items, automobile industry and diamond.

He also sought investment partnership in the fields of mining and steel.  Sharma asked the Russian authorities to expedite details on their IT innovation policy containing management, development of software, commercial terms, and tax benefits in Russia.

"It would facilitate Indian industries to take decision for their participation in the Russian Technology platform on IT innovation," the release said.

Both the sides are expected to cooperate in areas of BPO/KPO, business software, setting-up of Techno-Park, e-governance, tele-medicine, training and education.

"However, so far, no concerted effort has been made by Indian companies to tap or even assess this potential in the Russian IT market," it added.

Bilateral trade in 2012 had increased to around USD 6.7 billion mark, registering growth of around 14 per dent as compared to the previous year.   Further, exports touched USD 2.15 billion in 2012 compared to USD 1.89 Billion in 2011 and exports stood at USD 4.5 billion as compared to 4.05 billion the previous year.  (KNN)


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