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Govt creates Task Force to boost job creation by enhancing India’s exports

Updated: Sep 07, 2017 06:05:56am

Govt creates Task Force to boost job creation by enhancing India’s exports

New Delhi, Sept 7 (KNN) To provide a major thrust to job creation by enhancing India’s exports, an Expert Task Force has, today, been constituted with the NITI Aayog Vice Chairman, Dr. Rajiv Kumar, as its Chairperson, said an official statement.

Niti Aayog said while the Indian workforce has high aspirations, a majority of the workers are still employed in low-productivity, low-wage jobs in small, micro and own-account enterprises.

An urgent and sustained expansion of the organized sector is essential to address India’s unemployment and under-employment issue. An important strategy is also to enable a shift towards more labour-intensive goods and services that are destined for exports. Given the importance of exports in generating jobs, India needs to create an environment in which globally competitive exporters can emerge and flourish, the Government’s think tank body added.

The steps outlined by the taskforce to address this challenge of creating well-paid, formal sector jobs, include:

1.   Proposing a comprehensive plan of action to generate employment and alleviate under-employment in both goods and services sectors and low wages by boosting India’s exports in key labour-intensive industries

2.   Recommending sector-specific policy interventions in key employment sectors

3.   Recommending measures to enhance trade in services with high employment potential

4.   Identifying key macroeconomic factors constraining exports and suggesting methods to address these constraints

5.   Assessing the effectiveness of existing schemes to promote exports

6.   Addressing issues related to logistics, export credits and trade facilitation

7.   Suggesting ways to enhance the availability of data on trade such that it is reliable, globally comparable and timely, particularly with respect to trade in services.

Members of the Task force include CEO, NITI Aayog, Secretary, Department of Commerce, Secretary, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs, Secretary, Ministry of Textiles.

Leading economists and industry experts are also members of the Task Force, which will submit its report by November 2017. (With PIB Inputs)


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