Import relaxation of Onions extended till 31st January to counter price hike
Updated: Dec 18, 2020 09:09:58am

Import relaxation of Onions extended till 31st January to counter price hike
New Delhi, Dec 18 (KNN) Aiming to counter high prices of onion in the market, the government has decided to extend the relaxation of conditions on import of onions into India.
The Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare has decided to extend the relaxation from the condition of fumigation and additional declaration on Phytosanitary Certificate as per the Plant Quarantine Order, 2003, for imports up to 31st January, 2021. The relaxation will be subject to certain conditions, according to an official statement.
Consignments of imported onions which arrive in Indian port without fumigation and such endorsement on the PSC, would be fumigated in India by the importer through an accredited treatment provider. The consignment would be inspected thoroughly by quarantine officials and released only if found free from pests and diseases of concern to India.
Further, if smut or dry rot is intercepted during inspection, the particular container will be rejected and deported. In case of stem and bulbs nematode or onion maggot being detected, these should be eliminated through fumigation and the consignments released without additional inspection fee.
The conditions also stipulate that an undertaking should be obtained from importers that the onions will be used only for consumption and not for propagation.
In addition, such consignments of onion for consumption will not be subjected to the four times additional inspection fee for non-compliance of conditions of import under the PQ Order, 2003.