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Researchers Develop Biodegradable Plastics To Reduce Environmental Footprint

Updated: May 01, 2024 03:41:59pm

Researchers Develop Biodegradable Plastics To Reduce Environmental Footprint

New Delhi, May 1 (KNN) In a groundbreaking development, researchers at the University of California San Diego have engineered a biodegradable form of thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU), a widely used commercial plastic found in products like footwear, floor mats, and cushions.

This innovative bioplastic could significantly reduce the environmental footprint of the plastic industry.

The key to this biodegradable TPU lies in its unique composition. The researchers have incorporated bacterial spores from a strain of Bacillus subtilis that can break down plastic polymer materials. When exposed to nutrients found in compost at the end of the bioplastic's life cycle, these spores germinate and biodegrade the material.

“It is an inherent property of these bacteria. We evaluated various strains and chose the one that grew best while using TPUs as its sole carbon source,” explained Dr. Jon Pokorski, a nano-engineering professor at UC San Diego and co-lead of the university's Materials Research Science and Engineering Center.

This breakthrough, reported in the journal Nature Communications, is part of a burgeoning field called hybrid engineered living materials (ELMs). By combining living organisms with synthetic materials, scientists can create biocomposite materials with enhanced functionality and the ability to respond to stimuli, morphing their shapes and properties as needed.

The researchers emphasise that introducing live cells into polymer composites could significantly improve both their material properties and ecological footprint. This work presents a scalable method for fabricating biocomposite materials with improved mechanical properties and programmed biological functionalities, as stated in their paper.

With the ever-growing environmental concerns surrounding plastic waste, this biodegradable TPU bioplastic offers a promising solution. By harnessing the power of nature, these cutting-edge materials could pave the way for a more sustainable and eco-friendly future for the plastic industry.

(KNN Bureau)


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