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Increasing crimes against women in UP can affect tourist inflow to the Taj

Updated: Jun 10, 2014 05:14:29pm
New Delhi, Jun 10 (KNN)  Incidents of rapes and law and order in Uttar Pradesh reverberating in the global media and even among the United Nations echelon will have an adverse impact on inbound tourism, particularly to tourist attractions such as Taj Mahal, said industry body ASSOCHAM today.
The stakes are high ASSOCHAM said, as nearly half of the total foreign tourists to India visit Taj Mahal in UP, Amritsar's Golden Temple, Khajuraho (Madhya Pradesh) and Jaipur (Rajasthan).   
Releasing a paper on the subject, Secretary General ASSOCHAM, D S Rawat said that of the USD 18-19 billion foreign exchange earned through the Foreign Tourists Arrivals (FTAs), the Taj Mahal itself was responsible for USD 7- 8 billion.
However, the only factor which can lead to less damage is the fact that these incidents like the one at Badaun have happened during the lean season when the foreign tourist arrivals are reduced to a trickle thanks to heat wave in most parts of India, particularly in the North.
“Still, about 4.5 lakh foreign tourist arrivals (FTAs) are recorded even in June. However, the North-bound FTAs are less in number…..In a way, the damage because of the adverse publicity resulting from these unfortunate incidents could be limited because of lean period,” the chamber said in a paper.

Under the circumstances, ASSOCHAM has recommended that immediate confidence building measures be taken without any loss of time , well before September-October when the FTAs start picking up, peaking in December and January.
In all, the country earns a tidy USD 18-19 billion of foreign exchange through the FTAs, of whom 40-45 per cent have Taj Mahal on their main itinerary.

“Come to think of it, the Taj Mahal itself is responsible for foreign exchange earnings of about USD 7-8 billion. Since it is located in Uttar Pradesh and is very popular among the women tourists, the state government must take steps and send immediate signals across the world that women are safe in the state”, added Rawat.

April to September because of summer and humidity are considered lean season attracting monthly FTAs of about 4-4.5 lakh. However, the figure picks up from October rising from five lakh FTAs to sometimes eight lakh FTAs in December/January with bulk of them visiting the Golden triangle of Delhi-Agra- Rajasthan.  Some of the south Indian beaches in Kerala or in Goa are also popular among the foreign tourists.

Hotels, restaurants, transport operators, airlines do brisk businesses in the busy FTA season. “In fact, the country should aim at doubling our FTAs in the next five years and take the foreign exchange earnings from them to at least USD 50 billion a year. But tourism, especially the inbound from overseas is highly sensitive to events and any unsavoury incident can upset the FTAs which can then change directions,” Rawat said.

Unfortunately the law and order issues have come to the fore at a time when the global tourism is on a rebound and could have offered a great opportunity to India to increase its FTAs. 

According to the UN World Tourism Organisation, global forex generated by international tourism in 2013 reached USD 1.4 trillion. Receipts earned by destinations from international visitors grew by 5 per cent to reach USD 1159 billion, while an additional USD 218 billion was earned by international passenger transport.

Receipts in destinations worldwide from expenditure by international visitors on accommodation, food and drink, entertainment, shopping and other services and goods, reached an estimated USD 1159 billion (euro 873 billion) in 2013. Growth exceeded the long-term trend, reaching 5 per cent in real terms (taking into account exchange rate fluctuations and inflation). The growth rate in receipts matched the increase in international tourist arrivals, also up by 5 per cent, reaching 1087 million in 2013, from 1035 million in 2012, as per UN WTO.  (KNN/ES)


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