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MIWA initiates cleanliness drive at IMT Manesar

Updated: Oct 30, 2014 02:35:55pm
Manesar, Oct 30 (KNN)   Manesar Industries Welfare Association (MIWA) has initiated a Swatch Bharat Campaign at IMT Manesar  along with students of the Government Boys Higher Secondary School,  school authorities, former Chief Town Planner, KK Yadav and villagers of the area.
Nearly 480 students of the school, school staff, Principal, Dr Deepti Boken, about fifty villagers, former CTP KK Yadav, Sarpanch Dharmbir Singh along with office bearers of MIWA and staff from industries were seen wielding brooms and baskets in their hands.
It is worth mentioning that there is a garbage dumping area in front of school. It is an unhygienic mess in the absence of any regular cleanliness drive and has become a breeding ground for mosquitoes and flies.
With the support and help of school authorities, villagers of Manesar Village along with the administration, MIWA is all set to get the place transformed so that children do not fall prey to any deadly disease.
MIWA is also planning to get the garbage dumping area shifted to another place.
Commenting on the issue, General Secretary, MIWA, Manmohan Gaind, said, “These are the schools in which children of our labourers are studying.  These children are our future and we cannot let our children suffer.  Considering that we want our own surroundings to be clean, how can we let our children sit near the garbage dumping area,” he asked. 
In addition, “MIWA is an association that is already working towards saving a rapidly deteriorating ecological environment. Under the project we are planting fully grown trees here at IMT Manesar. And now making these schools and the surrounding area better is our mission, he added.
During the event, all the industrialists assured the best possible support to the school so that children can enjoy a happy and hygienic atmosphere.    
Even as the Principal admired the initiative of the industry and MIWA, seeing senior citizens supporting the clean India campaign was of great encouragement to all especially the impressionable minds of the students.  (KNN Bureau)


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