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NDMC to tackle mosquito menace

Updated: Mar 03, 2014 01:51:44pm
New Delhi, Mar 3 (KNN)  The New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) is planning to procure new and improved insecticides for its vector control programme in a bid to prevent mosquito borne diseases such as dengue, malaria, chikungunya, etc.
Vector control is a fundamental element of the existing global strategy to fight malaria.
Chairman NDMC, Jalaj Shrivastava said that awareness will be created among resident welfare associations (RWAs), market/trade associations and contractors of CPWD buildings about the use of new design coolers in which mosquito’s shall be prevented from breeding or even entering.
Further, an Entomology Lab will be set up to identify vectors transmitting diseases for their timely prevention.
A provision of Rs 100.09 crore has been set aside for Public Health and Sanitation services in the year 2014-15, added Shri Shrivastava.
In addition, solid waste management will be upgraded in the NDMC area.

“This will be done through an Integrated Waste Management System by collecting waste from doorsteps and transporting the garbage for disposal at the Timarpur-Okhala Waste Management Co. Ltd. (TOWMCL) plant in a scientific and mechanized manner,” the NDMC Chairman said.

It will eliminate the need for "dhalao" points, which have caused unhygienic conditions and dissatisfaction among people, he said.  Eventually, these "dhalaos" will be converted into much needed public toilets.

As part of this process, there are plans to construct state-of-the-art transfer stations in the NDMC area to increase efficiency in collection of waste, quick removal of garbage as well as timely availability of garbage transport vehicles, added Shrivastava.

Removal of garbage to terminal disposal sites will be easy at night as there will be less traffic on the roads. It will be ensured that there is no garbage spillage.  (KNN/ES)


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