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Strawberry farmers in Kashmir expect bumper production

Updated: May 11, 2013 03:25:48pm
Srinagar, May 11 (KNN) The traditional paddy farmers in Kashmir are taking up strawberry cultivation as it gives them far better returns than rice.
This year too they are expecting a bumper production thanks to timely rain and favourable weather.
"I thank god for the favourable climate, as the crop does not require too much of sun or excess of rain. It rained properly this time. I am in strawberry cultivation for the past three years and this year I expect bumper production of the crop," said media reports quoting a local farmer.
The farmers in valley are cultivating as many as eleven imported varieties of the fruit.
   The strawberries produced  are supplied to north India including New Delhi.
Meanwhile the horticulture department has asked farmers to take up processing of strawberry to make good money.
"We are witnessing an increase in strawberry production due to favourable weather this season. Last year the production was 1200 metric tonnes but this year it would be more than that. For the farmers benefit, I would like to suggest that if they are getting less money, then they should engage in its processing, they can make jams and drinks from the crop, which can be sold in the sweet shops as well," the report said quoting a senior official of the horticulture department.
The horticulture department has urged the farmers to be actively involved in the entire process ranging from cultivation to its packaging and marketing.
The cool and dry climate of Kashmir is suitable for fruits like strawberries, apples, pears, cherries, plums, grapes, mulberries, peaches, apricots, walnuts and almonds, which require moderate rainfall and bright sunshine.  (KNN)


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