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AIPMA to organise road show to promote Plastivision India 2013

AIPMA to organise road show to promote…

New Delhi, Nov 5 (KNN)  In the run-up  to Plastivision India 2013, the All India Plastic Manufacturers’ Association (AIPMA) has organised a…
Environment Min seeks public opinion on management of hazardous waste

Environment Min seeks public opinion on management…

New Delhi, Nov 5 (KNN)  Making a move to ensure better waste management in the country, the Ministry of Environment and Forests has proposed to make certain…
New Pharmacopoeia edition to improve medicine standard

New Pharmacopoeia edition to improve medicine standard

New Delhi, Nov 5 (KNN) In order to improve the quality of medicines in India, 7th edition of Indian Pharmacopoeia 2014 – a book of Drug Standards has been launched.
Mega handloom cluster soon to be set up in Varanasi

Mega handloom cluster soon to be set…

New Delhi, Nov 2 (KNN)  The Development Commissioner for Handlooms will soon open a marketing supporting centre in the Varanasi mega handloom cluster for integrated and…
India's leather export reaches USD 500 million, up by 12.6% in August

India's leather export reaches USD 500 million,…

New Delhi, Nov 2 (KNN) Rising demand from the West has led to India’s leather exports reach USD 500 million in August, showing an increase of 12.6 per cent year-on-year.
Shilpotsav 2013 - an annual fair of artisans

Shilpotsav 2013 - an annual fair of…

New Delhi, Nov 1 (KNN) Artisans from across the country who belong to the weaker sections of the society have been given an opportunity to display their wares…
Dilli Haat showcases national tribal crafts

Dilli Haat showcases national tribal crafts

New Delhi, Nov 1 (KNN)  The National Tribal Crafts Mela called Aadishilp that has on display unique and exquisite tribal arts and crafts of the country…
India's first integrated national transport system launched

India's first integrated national transport system launched

New Delhi, Nov 1 (KNN)  In an effort to overcome the problems faced by travellers, India’s first integrated national transport portal has been launched.
Mfg units in SEZs can outsource work for up to three years now

Mfg units in SEZs can outsource work…

New Delhi, Oct 31 (KNN)  In a move that would give a boost to the shipments from SEZs, the Commerce Ministry has allowed the manufacturing units in the…