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HHEC to examine business growth strategy for domestic, international markets

HHEC to examine business growth strategy for…

New Delhi, Sept 11 (KNN) In an effort to examine business growth strategy in the domestic and international markets, the Handicrafts and Handlooms Exports…
Measures in place to empower mega handloom cluster in Varanasi

Measures in place to empower mega handloom…

Varanasi, Sept 11 (KNN)  In order to make the mega handloom cluster here more productive and competitive, the Development Commissioner for Handlooms has…
YEGN: improving employment prospects of youth

YEGN: improving employment prospects of youth

From Sarita Brara
New Delhi, Sept 11 (KNN)
  Unemployed youth are the most vulnerable lot to be misguided, exploited or lured into unlawful activities.…
High costs of raw material, labour and power trouble plastics industry

High costs of raw material, labour and…

New Delhi, Sept 11 (KNN)  There is cause for alarm in the plastics industry where although the manufacturing cost has gone up owing to increasing costs…
Exports up, trade gap down; good news for MSMEs too

Exports up, trade gap down; good news…

New Delhi, Sep 10 (KNN)  India's merchandise exports which have large contribution from micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) went up by a healthy…
Leading manufacturers showcase their exquisite fabrics in Colombo

Leading manufacturers showcase their exquisite fabrics in…

Chennai, Sept 10 (KNN)  In a bid to promote fabrics and made-ups of all fibres, a mega event, India International Fabric Expo - Colombo 2013 was held…
Load shedding in the midst of power availability

Load shedding in the midst of power…

New Delhi, Sept 10 (KNN)  In a disturbing trend, especially for the industry, some states are resorting to load shedding even while electricity is available.
UNIDO to spend USD 107 million to make Indian enterprises more competitive

UNIDO to spend USD 107 million to…

New Delhi, Sept 10 (KNN)  United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) will spend USD 107 million (about Rs 695 crore) in the next five…
Incentivize IT services sector, manufacturer-exporters to raise exports and investment: ASSOCHAM

Incentivize IT services sector, manufacturer-exporters to raise…

New Delhi, Sept 10 (KNN) Industry body Assocham has suggested that the Commerce Ministry re-engineer the trade policy by incentivising existing manufacturer-exporters…
Street Vending Bill to create good working environment for vendors

Street Vending Bill to create good working…

New Delhi, Sep 10 (KNN) In order to enable street vendors to earn their livelihood through creation of good working environment, the Lok Sabha has passed the…
Small entrepreneurs fear reluctance amongst guarantors as banks begin to shame them

Small entrepreneurs fear reluctance amongst guarantors as…

New Delhi, Sept 10 (KNN)  Small businesses will find it even more difficult to get credit from banks because lenders have started to name and shame…
Foreign universities likely to open campuses in India

Foreign universities likely to open campuses in…

New Delhi, Sept 10 (KNN)  The Ministry of Human Resource Development has sent proposals to the relevant government departments to permit foreign universities…
WB Govt to set up marketing corps to promote MSME products

WB Govt to set up marketing corps…

Kolkata, Sept 10 (KNN)  In order to boost the MSME sector in the state, the West Bengal government has decided to set up a Brand Bengal Marketing Corporation…
Power Ministers' meet to discuss problems of rural electrification

Power Ministers' meet to discuss problems of…

New Delhi, Sept 9 (KNN)  Problems relating to completion of pending projects under the Centre’s rural electrification scheme-Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana…
Jaipur Blue Pottery faces rejection in export market

Jaipur Blue Pottery faces rejection in export…

From Gunja
Jaipur, Sep 9 (KNN) Craft heritage Blue Pottery of Jaipur is facing rejection in the international market due to poor quality…
Demand for Right to Entrepreneurship on par with Right to work

Demand for Right to Entrepreneurship on par…

From Esther Suhasini
Cochin, Sept 9 (KNN)  The latest report of Institute of Small Enterprises and Development (ISED) has made…
Violence takes toll of Rs 100 crore daily for MSMEs in Muzaffarnagar

Violence takes toll of Rs 100 crore…

From Swati Dayal


Sericulture Industry employs over 700,000 farm families

Sericulture Industry employs over 700,000 farm families

New Delhi, Sept 9 (KNN)  Silk - the queen of all fabrics is historically one of India’s most important industries.  Sericulture industry in…
Govt announces CFA to boost tourism in north-east

Govt announces CFA to boost tourism in…

New Delhi, Sept 7 (KNN) In order to boost the North-East tourism, the government has announced central finance assistance (CFA) for Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim…
Small businesses in Ghaziabad suffer due to power crisis

Small businesses in Ghaziabad suffer due to…

Ghaziabad, Sep 7 (KNN) Small businesses in Ghaziabad are losing orders from large and medium industries as they suffer from power shortages for more than four…