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India and China sign three MoUs to help bridge trade deficit

India and China sign three MoUs to…

New Delhi, May 20, (KNN) India and China signed three Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) on buffalo meat, fisheries and pharmaceuticals here today which will…
Delhi files maximum complaints on consumer helpline

Delhi files maximum complaints on consumer helpline

New Delhi, May 20 (KNN) The national consumer helpline (NCH) which received overall 12,590 calls during April 2013, has registered the maximum number of complaints…
Maha extends date for bids for powerloom wage consultants

Maha extends date for bids for powerloom…

Mumbai, May 20 (KNN) The Labour Commissioner of Maharashtra has extended the dates for bids from consultants to conduct studies on the basis of time and motion…
Manmohan asks Li to open Chinese market for Indian goods

Manmohan asks Li to open Chinese market…

New Delhi, May 20 (KNN)  Flooded with the Chinese goods in its market, India today conveyed to China that the trade flows should  reverse enabling…
India showcases textiles in Tehran

India showcases textiles in Tehran

New Delhi, May 20 (KNN)  The entire range of Indian textile items are currently being exhibited at INTEXPO, an exclusive exhibition in Tehran, the capital…
BHEL to set up power plant in Bhandara, Maharashtra

BHEL to set up power plant in…

Mumbai, May 20 (KNN)  Bharat Heavy Electrical Limited (BHEL) is setting up a power equipment fabrication plant at Bhandara in Vidarbha region  of…
Universal social security coverage and assured pension for all workers

Universal social security coverage and assured pension…

New Delhi, May 20 (KNN) The 45th session of the Indian Labour Conference concluded in New Delhi with a resolution to provide universal social security coverage…
Training programmes for quality management of laboratories

Training programmes for quality management of laboratories

Gurgaon, May 20 (KNN) The Central Institute of Plastics, Engineering and Technology (CIPET) has invited applications for specialized knowledge oriented programmes…
Reliance Infra invites bids for management of toll plazas

Reliance Infra invites bids for management of…

Mumbai, May 20 (KNN)  With an aim to outsource the management of its 20 toll plazas on minimum guaranteed toll revenue model, Reliance Infrastructure…
China's commercial aggression hits Indian industry as trade gap widens

China's commercial aggression hits Indian industry as…

New Delhi, May 20 (KNN) Chinese Premier Li Keqiang is engaged in intensive talks with the Indian leadership here today at a time when China’s commercial…
India to contribute scientific expertise to polar research

India to contribute scientific expertise to polar…

New Delhi, May 18 (KNN)  With India gaining observer status in the Arctic Council, it will contribute its scientific expertise, particularly its polar…
Par Panel demands single regulator for chit funds

Par Panel demands single regulator for chit…

New Delhi, May 18 (KNN)  Parliamentary Standing Committee on Finance has recommended the scrapping of the Chit Fund Act, 1982, in the wake of the collapse…
SMEs briefed about alternative sources of funding

SMEs briefed about alternative sources of funding

Indore, May 18 (KNN) The National Stock Exchange (NSE) organized an “Emerging Businesses Conclave” for the small and medium enterprises (SME)…
Bids sought for e-toll plazas on national highways

Bids sought for e-toll plazas on national…

New Delhi, May 18 (KNN) The Indian Highways Management Company Ltd (IHMCL), promoted by National Highways Authority of India (NHAI), Concessionaires and Financial…
MSME Ministry for easing labour law; will Govt bite the bullet?

MSME Ministry for easing labour law; will…

New Delhi, May 18 (KNN) Micro and small enterprises (MSEs) employing upto 20 persons with power supply and 50 persons without power connection should be kept…
File banking complaints for free at Banking Ombudsman

File banking complaints for free at Banking…

New Delhi, May 18 (KNN)  If you have any problems with your bank with regard to services or financial products offered and if the concerned bank does…
 Cab Secy reviews apparel sector problems

Cab Secy reviews apparel sector problems

New Delhi, May 18 (KNN) Cabinet Secretary Ajit Kumar Seth along with secretaries of key ministries from the Commerce and Finance reviewed the performance of…
Confederation of women entrepreneurs partners with NIMSME

Confederation of women entrepreneurs partners with NIMSME

Hyderabad, May 18 (KNN)  The Confederation of Women Entrepreneurs (COWE) a non-profit organization has joined hands with National Institute for Micro,…
Alleged corruption casts shadow over MGNREGA

Alleged corruption casts shadow over MGNREGA

New Delhi, May 7 (KNN)  Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), the government’s most ambitious job guarantee scheme which…
India wants Japan to remove trade barriers on pharmaceuticals

India wants Japan to remove trade barriers…

New Delhi, May 17 (KNN) India today sought the removal of trade barriers in export of pharmaceuticals to Japan with which New Delhi runs a trade deficit of…


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